Source code for dataclass_wizard.dumpers

The implementation below uses code adapted from the `asdict` helper function
from the library Dataclasses (

This library is available under the Apache 2.0 license, which can be
obtained from

See the end of this file for the original Apache license from this library.
from collections import defaultdict, deque
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from dataclasses import _is_dataclass_instance
from datetime import datetime, time, date, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from typing import Type, List, Dict, Any, NamedTupleMeta, Optional, Callable
from uuid import UUID

from .abstractions import AbstractDumper
from .bases import BaseDumpHook, AbstractMeta, META
from .class_helper import (
    dataclass_field_names, dataclass_field_to_default,
    dataclass_to_dumper, set_class_dumper,
    _CLASS_TO_DUMP_FUNC, setup_dump_config_for_cls_if_needed, get_meta,
from .constants import _DUMP_HOOKS, TAG
from .decorators import _alias
from .log import LOG
from .type_def import (
    ExplicitNull, NoneType, JSONObject,
    DD, LSQ, E, U, LT, NT, T
from .utils.string_conv import to_camel_case

[docs] class DumpMixin(AbstractDumper, BaseDumpHook): """ This Mixin class derives its name from the eponymous `json.dumps` function. Essentially it contains helper methods to convert Python built-in types to a more 'JSON-friendly' version. """ __slots__ = () def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__() setup_default_dumper(cls) @staticmethod @_alias(to_camel_case) def transform_dataclass_field(string: str) -> str: # alias: to_camel_case ...
[docs] @staticmethod def default_dump_with(o, *_): return str(o)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_null(o: None, *_): return o
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_str(o: str, *_): return o
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_int(o: int, *_): return o
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_float(o: float, *_): return o
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_bool(o: bool, *_): return o
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_enum(o: E, *_): return o.value
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_uuid(o: U, *_): return o.hex
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_list_or_tuple(o: LT, typ: Type[LT], *args): return typ(_asdict_inner(v, *args) for v in o)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_iterable(o: LSQ, _typ: Type[LSQ], *args): return list(_asdict_inner(v, *args) for v in o)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_named_tuple(o: NT, typ: Type[NT], *args): return typ(*[_asdict_inner(v, *args) for v in o])
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_dict(o: Dict, typ: Type[Dict], *args): return typ((_asdict_inner(k, *args), _asdict_inner(v, *args)) for k, v in o.items())
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_defaultdict(o: DD, _typ: Type[DD], *args): return {_asdict_inner(k, *args): _asdict_inner(v, *args) for k, v in o.items()}
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_decimal(o: Decimal, *_): return str(o)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_datetime(o: datetime, *_): return o.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z', 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_time(o: time, *_): return o.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z', 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_date(o: date, *_): return o.isoformat()
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_with_timedelta(o: timedelta, *_): return str(o)
[docs] def setup_default_dumper(cls=DumpMixin): """ Setup the default type hooks to use when converting `dataclass` instances to `str` (json) Note: `cls` must be :class:`DumpMixin` or a sub-class of it. """ # Simple types cls.register_dump_hook(str, cls.dump_with_str) cls.register_dump_hook(int, cls.dump_with_int) cls.register_dump_hook(float, cls.dump_with_float) cls.register_dump_hook(bool, cls.dump_with_bool) cls.register_dump_hook(bytes, cls.default_dump_with) cls.register_dump_hook(bytearray, cls.default_dump_with) cls.register_dump_hook(NoneType, cls.dump_with_null) # Complex types cls.register_dump_hook(Enum, cls.dump_with_enum) cls.register_dump_hook(UUID, cls.dump_with_uuid) cls.register_dump_hook(set, cls.dump_with_iterable) cls.register_dump_hook(frozenset, cls.dump_with_iterable) cls.register_dump_hook(deque, cls.dump_with_iterable) cls.register_dump_hook(list, cls.dump_with_list_or_tuple) cls.register_dump_hook(tuple, cls.dump_with_list_or_tuple) cls.register_dump_hook(NamedTupleMeta, cls.dump_with_named_tuple) cls.register_dump_hook(defaultdict, cls.dump_with_defaultdict) cls.register_dump_hook(dict, cls.dump_with_dict) cls.register_dump_hook(Decimal, cls.dump_with_decimal) # Dates and times cls.register_dump_hook(datetime, cls.dump_with_datetime) cls.register_dump_hook(time, cls.dump_with_time) cls.register_dump_hook(date, cls.dump_with_date) cls.register_dump_hook(timedelta, cls.dump_with_timedelta)
[docs] def get_dumper(cls=None, create=True) -> Type[DumpMixin]: """ Get the dumper for the class, using the following logic: * Return the class if it's already a sub-class of :class:`DumpMixin` * If `create` is enabled (which is the default), a new sub-class of :class:`DumpMixin` for the class will be generated and cached on the initial run. * Otherwise, we will return the base dumper, :class:`DumpMixin`, which can potentially be shared by more than one dataclass. """ try: return dataclass_to_dumper(cls) except KeyError: if hasattr(cls, _DUMP_HOOKS): return set_class_dumper(cls, cls) elif create: cls_dumper = create_new_class(cls, (DumpMixin, )) return set_class_dumper(cls, cls_dumper) return set_class_dumper(cls, DumpMixin)
[docs] def asdict(obj: T, *, cls=None, dict_factory=dict, exclude: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> JSONObject: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Return the fields of a dataclass instance as a new dictionary mapping field names to field values. Example usage: @dataclass class C: x: int y: int c = C(1, 2) assert asdict(c) == {'x': 1, 'y': 2} When directly invoking this function, an optional Meta configuration for the dataclass can be specified via ``DumpMeta``; by default, this will apply recursively to any nested dataclasses. Here's a sample usage of this below:: >>> DumpMeta(key_transform='CAMEL').bind_to(MyClass) >>> asdict(MyClass(my_str="value")) If given, 'dict_factory' will be used instead of built-in dict. The function applies recursively to field values that are dataclass instances. This will also look into built-in containers: tuples, lists, and dicts. """ # This likely won't be needed, as ``dataclasses.fields`` already has this # check. # if not _is_dataclass_instance(obj): # raise TypeError("asdict() should be called on dataclass instances") cls = cls or type(obj) try: dump = _CLASS_TO_DUMP_FUNC[cls] except KeyError: dump = dump_func_for_dataclass(cls) return dump(obj, dict_factory, exclude, **kwargs)
[docs] def dump_func_for_dataclass(cls: Type[T], config: Optional[META] = None, nested_cls_to_dump_func: Dict[Type, Any] = None, ) -> Callable[[T, Any, Any, Any], JSONObject]: # Get the dumper for the class, or create a new one as needed. cls_dumper = get_dumper(cls) # Get the meta config for the class, or the default config otherwise. meta = get_meta(cls) # Check if we're being run for the main dataclass or for a nested one. is_main_class = nested_cls_to_dump_func is None if is_main_class: # we are being run for the main dataclass nested_cls_to_dump_func = {} # If the `recursive` flag is enabled and a Meta config is provided, # apply the Meta recursively to any nested classes. if meta.recursive and meta is not AbstractMeta: config = meta else: # we are being run for a nested dataclass if config: # we want to apply the meta config from the main dataclass # recursively. meta = meta | config meta.bind_to(cls, is_default=False) # This contains the dump hooks for the dataclass. If the class # sub-classes from `DumpMixIn`, these hooks could be customized. hooks = cls_dumper.__DUMP_HOOKS__ # Set up the initial dump config for the dataclass. setup_dump_config_for_cls_if_needed(cls) # A cached mapping of each dataclass field to the resolved key name in a # JSON or dictionary object; useful so we don't need to do a case # transformation (via regex) each time. dataclass_to_json_field = dataclass_field_to_json_field(cls) # A cached mapping of dataclass field name to its default value, either # via a `default` or `default_factory` argument. field_to_default = dataclass_field_to_default(cls) # A collection of field names in the dataclass. field_names = dataclass_field_names(cls) # Check if we need to auto-assign tags for dataclasses in `Union` types. if meta.auto_assign_tags: # Unfortunately, we can't handle this as part of the dump process, as # we don't process the class annotations here. So instead, generate # the load parser for each field (if needed), but don't cache the # result, as it's conceivable we might yet call `LoadMeta` later. from .loaders import get_loader cls_loader = get_loader(cls) # Use the cached result if it exists, but don't cache it ourselves. _ = dataclass_field_to_load_parser( cls_loader, cls, config, save=False) # Tag key to populate when a dataclass is in a `Union` with other types. tag_key = meta.tag_key or TAG def cls_asdict(obj: T, dict_factory=dict, exclude: List[str] = None, skip_defaults=meta.skip_defaults) -> JSONObject: """ Serialize a dataclass of type `cls` to a Python dictionary object. """ # Call the optional hook that runs before we process the dataclass cls_dumper.__pre_as_dict__(obj) # This a list that contains a mapping of each dataclass field to its # serialized value. result = [] # Loop over the dataclass fields for field in field_names: # Get the resolved JSON field name try: json_field = dataclass_to_json_field[field] except KeyError: # Normalize the dataclass field name (by default to camel # case) json_field = cls_dumper.transform_dataclass_field(field) dataclass_to_json_field[field] = json_field # Exclude any dataclass fields that are explicitly ignored. if json_field is ExplicitNull: continue if exclude and field in exclude: continue # -- This line is *mostly* the same as in the original version -- fv = getattr(obj, field) # Check if we need to strip defaults, and the field currently # is assigned a default value. # # TODO: maybe it makes sense to move this logic to a separate # function, as it might be slightly more performant. if skip_defaults and field in field_to_default \ and fv == field_to_default[field]: continue value = _asdict_inner(fv, dict_factory, hooks, config, nested_cls_to_dump_func) # -- This line is *mostly* the same as in the original version -- result.append((json_field, value)) # -- This line is the same as in the original version -- return dict_factory(result) def cls_asdict_with_tag(obj: T, dict_factory=dict, exclude: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> JSONObject: """ Serialize a dataclass of type `cls` to a Python dictionary object. Adds a tag field when `tag` field is passed in Meta. """ result = cls_asdict(obj, dict_factory, exclude, **kwargs) result[tag_key] = meta.tag return result if meta.tag: asdict_func = cls_asdict_with_tag else: asdict_func = cls_asdict # In any case, save the dump function for the class, so we don't need to # run this logic each time. if is_main_class: _CLASS_TO_DUMP_FUNC[cls] = asdict_func else: nested_cls_to_dump_func[cls] = asdict_func return asdict_func
# NOTE: This method has been modified to accept `hook` and `meta` arguments, # and the return type has been annotated as `Any`. The logic inside this # method has also been heavily modified from the original implementation in # `dataclasses`. However, I will call out specific lines where it is taken # directly from the original version. def _asdict_inner(obj, dict_factory, hooks, meta, cls_to_dump_func) -> Any: cls = type(obj) dump_hook = hooks.get(cls) hook_args = (obj, cls, dict_factory, hooks, meta, cls_to_dump_func) if dump_hook is not None: return dump_hook(*hook_args) if _is_dataclass_instance(obj): try: dump = cls_to_dump_func[cls] except KeyError: dump = dump_func_for_dataclass(cls, meta, cls_to_dump_func) # noinspection PyArgumentList return dump(obj, dict_factory=dict_factory) else: # -- The following `if` condition and comments are the same as in the original version -- if isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_fields'): # obj is a namedtuple. Recurse into it, but the returned # object is another namedtuple of the same type. This is # similar to how other list- or tuple-derived classes are # treated (see below), but we just need to create them # differently because a namedtuple's __init__ needs to be # called differently (see bpo-34363). dump_hook = hooks[NamedTupleMeta] else: for t in hooks: if isinstance(obj, t): # cache the hook for the subtype, so that next time this # logic isn't run again. dump_hook = hooks[cls] = hooks[t] break else: LOG.warning('Using default dumper, object=%r, type=%r', obj, cls) # cache the hook for the custom type, so that next time this # logic isn't run again. dump_hook = hooks[cls] = DumpMixin.default_dump_with return dump_hook(*hook_args) # Copyright 2017-2018 Eric V. Smith # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.