Source code for dataclass_wizard.loaders

from collections import defaultdict, deque, namedtuple
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from datetime import datetime, time, date, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from typing import (
    Any, Type, Dict, List, Tuple, Iterable, Sequence, Union,
    NamedTupleMeta, SupportsFloat, AnyStr, Text, Callable, Optional
from uuid import UUID

from .abstractions import AbstractLoader, AbstractParser, FieldToParser
from .bases import BaseLoadHook, AbstractMeta, META
from .class_helper import (
    get_class_name, create_new_class,
    dataclass_to_loader, set_class_loader,
    dataclass_field_to_load_parser, json_field_to_dataclass_field,
    _CLASS_TO_LOAD_FUNC, dataclass_fields, get_meta, is_subclass_safe,
from .constants import _LOAD_HOOKS, SINGLE_ARG_ALIAS, IDENTITY
from .decorators import _alias, _single_arg_alias, resolve_alias_func, _identity
from .errors import ParseError, MissingFields, UnknownJSONKey, MissingData
from .log import LOG
from .models import Extras, _PatternedDT
from .parsers import *
from .type_def import (
    ExplicitNull, FrozenKeys, DefFactory, NoneType, JSONObject,
    M, N, T, E, U, DD, LSQ, NT
from .utils.string_conv import to_snake_case
from .utils.type_conv import (
    as_bool, as_str, as_datetime, as_date, as_time, as_int, as_timedelta
from .utils.typing_compat import (
    is_literal, is_typed_dict, get_origin, get_args, is_annotated,

[docs] class LoadMixin(AbstractLoader, BaseLoadHook): """ This Mixin class derives its name from the eponymous `json.loads` function. Essentially it contains helper methods to convert JSON strings (or a Python dictionary object) to a `dataclass` which can often contain complex types such as lists, dicts, or even other dataclasses nested within it. Refer to the :class:`AbstractLoader` class for documentation on any of the implemented methods. """ __slots__ = () def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__() setup_default_loader(cls) @staticmethod @_alias(to_snake_case) def transform_json_field(string: str) -> str: # alias: to_snake_case ...
[docs] @staticmethod @_identity def default_load_to(o: T, _: Any) -> T: # identity: o ...
[docs] @staticmethod def load_after_type_check(o: Any, base_type: Type[T]) -> T: if isinstance(o, base_type): return o e = ValueError(f'data type is not a {base_type!s}') raise ParseError(e, o, base_type)
@staticmethod @_alias(as_str) def load_to_str(o: Union[Text, N, None], base_type: Type[str]) -> str: # alias: as_str ... @staticmethod @_alias(as_int) def load_to_int(o: Union[str, int, bool, None], base_type: Type[N]) -> N: # alias: as_int ...
[docs] @staticmethod @_single_arg_alias('base_type') def load_to_float(o: Union[SupportsFloat, str], base_type: Type[N]) -> N: # alias: base_type(o) ...
[docs] @staticmethod @_single_arg_alias(as_bool) def load_to_bool(o: Union[str, bool, N], _: Type[bool]) -> bool: # alias: as_bool(o) ...
[docs] @staticmethod @_single_arg_alias('base_type') def load_to_enum(o: Union[AnyStr, N], base_type: Type[E]) -> E: # alias: base_type(o) ...
[docs] @staticmethod @_single_arg_alias('base_type') def load_to_uuid(o: Union[AnyStr, U], base_type: Type[U]) -> U: # alias: base_type(o) ...
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_iterable( o: Iterable, base_type: Type[LSQ], elem_parser: AbstractParser) -> LSQ: return base_type([elem_parser(elem) for elem in o])
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_tuple( o: Union[List, Tuple], base_type: Type[Tuple], elem_parsers: Sequence[AbstractParser]) -> Tuple: try: zipped = zip(elem_parsers, o) except TypeError: return base_type([e for e in o]) else: return base_type([parser(e) for parser, e in zipped])
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_named_tuple( o: Union[Dict, List, Tuple], base_type: Type[NT], field_to_parser: FieldToParser, field_parsers: List[AbstractParser]) -> NT: if isinstance(o, dict): # Convert the values of all fields in the NamedTuple, using # their type annotations. The keys in a dictionary object # (assuming it was loaded from JSON) are required to be # strings, so we don't need to convert them. return base_type( **{k: field_to_parser[k](o[k]) for k in o}) # We're passed in a list or a tuple. return base_type( *[parser(elem) for parser, elem in zip(field_parsers, o)])
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_named_tuple_untyped( o: Union[Dict, List, Tuple], base_type: Type[NT], dict_parser: AbstractParser, list_parser: AbstractParser) -> NT: if isinstance(o, dict): return base_type(**dict_parser(o)) # We're passed in a list or a tuple. return base_type(*list_parser(o))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_dict( o: Dict, base_type: Type[M], key_parser: AbstractParser, val_parser: AbstractParser) -> M: return base_type( (key_parser(k), val_parser(v)) for k, v in o.items() )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_defaultdict( o: Dict, base_type: Type[DD], default_factory: DefFactory, key_parser: AbstractParser, val_parser: AbstractParser) -> DD: return base_type( default_factory, {key_parser(k): val_parser(v) for k, v in o.items()} )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_typed_dict( o: Dict, base_type: Type[M], key_to_parser: FieldToParser, required_keys: FrozenKeys, optional_keys: FrozenKeys) -> M: kwargs = {} # Set required keys for the `TypedDict` for k in required_keys: kwargs[k] = key_to_parser[k](o[k]) # Set optional keys for the `TypedDict` (if they exist) for k in optional_keys: if k in o: kwargs[k] = key_to_parser[k](o[k]) return base_type(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_to_decimal(o: N, base_type: Type[Decimal]) -> Decimal: return base_type(str(o))
@staticmethod @_alias(as_datetime) def load_to_datetime( o: Union[str, N], base_type: Type[datetime]) -> datetime: # alias: as_datetime ... @staticmethod @_alias(as_time) def load_to_time(o: str, base_type: Type[time]) -> time: # alias: as_time ... @staticmethod @_alias(as_date) def load_to_date(o: Union[str, N], base_type: Type[date]) -> date: # alias: as_date ... @staticmethod @_alias(as_timedelta) def load_to_timedelta( o: Union[str, N], base_type: Type[timedelta]) -> timedelta: # alias: as_timedelta ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser_for_annotation(cls, ann_type: Type[T], base_cls: Type = None, extras: Extras = None) -> AbstractParser: """Returns the Parser (dispatcher) for a given annotation type.""" hooks = cls.__LOAD_HOOKS__ ann_type = eval_forward_ref_if_needed(ann_type, base_cls) load_hook = hooks.get(ann_type) base_type = ann_type # TODO: I'll need to refactor the code below to remove the nested `if` # statements, when time allows. Right now the branching logic is # unseemly and there's really no need for that, as any such # performance gains (if they do exist) are minimal at best. if 'pattern' in extras and is_subclass_safe( ann_type, (date, time, datetime)): # Check for a field that was initially annotated like: # Annotated[List[time], Pattern('%H:%M:%S')] return PatternedDTParser(base_cls, extras, base_type) if load_hook is None: # Need to check this first, because the `Literal` type in Python # 3.6 behaves a bit differently (doesn't have an `__origin__` # attribute for example) if is_literal(ann_type): return LiteralParser(base_cls, extras, ann_type) if is_annotated(ann_type): # Given `Annotated[T, MaxValue(10), ...]`, we only need `T` ann_type = get_args(ann_type)[0] return cls.get_parser_for_annotation( ann_type, base_cls, extras) # This property will be available for most generic types in the # `typing` library. try: base_type = get_origin(ann_type, raise_=True) # If we can't access this property, it's likely a non-generic # class or a non-generic sub-type. except AttributeError: # if base_type is Any: load_hook = cls.default_load_to elif isinstance(base_type, type): if is_dataclass(base_type): base_type: Type[T] load_hook = load_func_for_dataclass( base_type, is_main_class=False, config=extras['config'] ) elif issubclass(base_type, Enum): load_hook = hooks.get(Enum) elif issubclass(base_type, UUID): load_hook = hooks.get(UUID) elif issubclass(base_type, tuple) \ and hasattr(base_type, '_fields'): if getattr(base_type, '__annotations__', None): # Annotated as a `typing.NamedTuple` subtype load_hook = hooks.get(NamedTupleMeta) return NamedTupleParser( base_cls, extras, base_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) else: # Annotated as a `collections.namedtuple` subtype load_hook = hooks.get(namedtuple) return NamedTupleUntypedParser( base_cls, extras, base_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif is_typed_dict(base_type): load_hook = cls.load_to_typed_dict return TypedDictParser( base_cls, extras, base_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif isinstance(base_type, _PatternedDT): # Check for a field that was initially annotated like: # DateTimePattern('%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S')] return PatternedDTParser(base_cls, extras, base_type) elif base_type is Ellipsis: load_hook = cls.default_load_to # If we can't find the underlying type of the object, we # should emit a warning for awareness. else: load_hook = cls.default_load_to LOG.warning('Using default loader, type=%r', ann_type) # Else, it's annotated with a generic type like Union or List - # basically anything that's subscriptable. else: if base_type is Union: # Get the subscripted values # ex. `Union[int, str]` -> (int, str) base_types = get_args(ann_type) if not base_types: # Annotated as just `Union` (no subscripted types) load_hook = cls.default_load_to elif NoneType in base_types and len(base_types) == 2: # Special case for Optional[x], which is actually Union[x, None] return OptionalParser( base_cls, extras, base_types[0], cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) else: return UnionParser( base_cls, extras, base_types, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif issubclass(base_type, defaultdict): load_hook = hooks[defaultdict] return DefaultDictParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif issubclass(base_type, dict): load_hook = hooks[dict] return MappingParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif issubclass(base_type, LSQ.__constraints__): load_hook = cls.load_to_iterable return IterableParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) elif issubclass(base_type, tuple): load_hook = hooks[tuple] # Check if the `Tuple` appears in the variadic form # i.e. Tuple[str, ...] args = get_args(ann_type) is_variadic = args and args[-1] is ... # Determine the parser for the annotation parser: Type[AbstractParser] = TupleParser if is_variadic: parser = VariadicTupleParser return parser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation ) else: load_hook = hooks.get(base_type) # TODO i'll need to refactor this to remove duplicate lines above - # maybe merge them together. elif issubclass(base_type, dict): load_hook = hooks[dict] return MappingParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation) elif issubclass(base_type, LSQ.__constraints__): load_hook = cls.load_to_iterable return IterableParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation) elif issubclass(base_type, tuple): load_hook = hooks[tuple] return TupleParser( base_cls, extras, ann_type, load_hook, cls.get_parser_for_annotation) if load_hook is None: # If load hook is still not resolved at this point, it's possible # the type is a subclass of a known type. for typ in hooks: # TODO use a `is_subclass_safe` helper function instead try: if issubclass(base_type, typ): load_hook = hooks[typ] break except TypeError: continue else: # No matching hook is found for the type. err = TypeError('Provided type is not currently supported.') raise ParseError( err, None, base_type, unsupported_type=base_type ) if hasattr(load_hook, SINGLE_ARG_ALIAS): load_hook = resolve_alias_func(load_hook, locals()) return SingleArgParser(base_cls, extras, base_type, load_hook) if hasattr(load_hook, IDENTITY): return IdentityParser(base_type, extras, base_type) return Parser(base_cls, extras, base_type, load_hook)
[docs] def setup_default_loader(cls=LoadMixin): """ Setup the default type hooks to use when converting `str` (json) or a Python `dict` object to a `dataclass` instance. Note: `cls` must be :class:`LoadMixIn` or a sub-class of it. """ # Simple types cls.register_load_hook(str, cls.load_to_str) cls.register_load_hook(int, cls.load_to_int) cls.register_load_hook(float, cls.load_to_float) cls.register_load_hook(bool, cls.load_to_bool) cls.register_load_hook(bytes, cls.load_after_type_check) cls.register_load_hook(bytearray, cls.load_after_type_check) cls.register_load_hook(NoneType, cls.default_load_to) # Complex types cls.register_load_hook(Enum, cls.load_to_enum) cls.register_load_hook(UUID, cls.load_to_uuid) cls.register_load_hook(set, cls.load_to_iterable) cls.register_load_hook(frozenset, cls.load_to_iterable) cls.register_load_hook(deque, cls.load_to_iterable) cls.register_load_hook(list, cls.load_to_iterable) cls.register_load_hook(tuple, cls.load_to_tuple) # noinspection PyTypeChecker cls.register_load_hook(namedtuple, cls.load_to_named_tuple_untyped) cls.register_load_hook(NamedTupleMeta, cls.load_to_named_tuple) cls.register_load_hook(defaultdict, cls.load_to_defaultdict) cls.register_load_hook(dict, cls.load_to_dict) cls.register_load_hook(Decimal, cls.load_to_decimal) # Dates and times cls.register_load_hook(datetime, cls.load_to_datetime) cls.register_load_hook(time, cls.load_to_time) cls.register_load_hook(date, cls.load_to_date) cls.register_load_hook(timedelta, cls.load_to_timedelta)
[docs] def get_loader(class_or_instance=None, create=True) -> Type[LoadMixin]: """ Get the loader for the class, using the following logic: * Return the class if it's already a sub-class of :class:`LoadMixin` * If `create` is enabled (which is the default), a new sub-class of :class:`LoadMixin` for the class will be generated and cached on the initial run. * Otherwise, we will return the base loader, :class:`LoadMixin`, which can potentially be shared by more than one dataclass. """ try: return dataclass_to_loader(class_or_instance) except KeyError: if hasattr(class_or_instance, _LOAD_HOOKS): return set_class_loader(class_or_instance, class_or_instance) elif create: cls_loader = create_new_class(class_or_instance, (LoadMixin, )) return set_class_loader(class_or_instance, cls_loader) return set_class_loader(class_or_instance, LoadMixin)
[docs] def fromdict(cls: Type[T], d: JSONObject) -> T: """ Converts a Python dictionary object to a dataclass instance. Iterates over each dataclass field recursively; lists, dicts, and nested dataclasses will likewise be initialized as expected. When directly invoking this function, an optional Meta configuration for the dataclass can be specified via ``LoadMeta``; by default, this will apply recursively to any nested dataclasses. Here's a sample usage of this below:: >>> LoadMeta(key_transform='CAMEL').bind_to(MyClass) >>> fromdict(MyClass, {"myStr": "value"}) """ try: load = _CLASS_TO_LOAD_FUNC[cls] except KeyError: load = load_func_for_dataclass(cls) return load(d)
[docs] def fromlist(cls: Type[T], list_of_dict: List[JSONObject]) -> List[T]: """ Converts a Python list object to a list of dataclass instances. Iterates over each dataclass field recursively; lists, dicts, and nested dataclasses will likewise be initialized as expected. """ try: load = _CLASS_TO_LOAD_FUNC[cls] except KeyError: load = load_func_for_dataclass(cls) return [load(d) for d in list_of_dict]
[docs] def load_func_for_dataclass( cls: Type[T], is_main_class: bool = True, config: Optional[META] = None) -> Callable[[JSONObject], T]: # Get the loader for the class, or create a new one as needed. cls_loader = get_loader(cls) # Get the meta config for the class, or the default config otherwise. meta = get_meta(cls) if is_main_class: # we are being run for the main dataclass # If the `recursive` flag is enabled and a Meta config is provided, # apply the Meta recursively to any nested classes. if meta.recursive and meta is not AbstractMeta: config = meta else: # we are being run for a nested dataclass if config: # we want to apply the meta config from the main dataclass # recursively. meta = meta | config meta.bind_to(cls, is_default=False) # This contains a mapping of the original field name to the parser for its # annotated type; the item lookup *can* be case-insensitive. field_to_parser = dataclass_field_to_load_parser(cls_loader, cls, config) # A cached mapping of each key in a JSON or dictionary object to the # resolved dataclass field name; useful so we don't need to do a case # transformation (via regex) each time. json_to_dataclass_field = json_field_to_dataclass_field(cls) def cls_fromdict(o: JSONObject, *_): """ De-serialize a dictionary `o` to an instance of a dataclass `cls`. """ # Need to create a separate dictionary to copy over the constructor # args, as we don't want to mutate the original dictionary object. cls_kwargs = {} # This try-block is here in case the object `o` is None. try: # Loop over the dictionary object for json_key in o: # Get the resolved dataclass field name try: field_name = json_to_dataclass_field[json_key] # Exclude JSON keys that don't map to any fields. if field_name is ExplicitNull: continue except KeyError: try: field_name = lookup_field_for_json_key(o, json_key) except LookupError: continue try: # Note: pass the original cased field to the class # constructor; don't use the lowercase result from # `transform_json_field` cls_kwargs[field_name] = field_to_parser[field_name]( o[json_key]) except ParseError as e: # We run into a parsing error while loading the field # value; Add additional info on the Exception object # before re-raising it. # # First confirm these values are not already set by an # inner dataclass. If so, it likely makes it easier to # debug the cause. Note that this should already be # handled by the `setter` methods. e.class_name = cls e.field_name = field_name e.json_object = o raise except TypeError: # If the object `o` is None, then raise an error with the relevant # info included. if o is None: raise MissingData(cls) from None # Check if the object `o` is some other type than what we expect - # for example, we could be passed in a `list` type instead. if not isinstance(o, dict): e = TypeError('Incorrect type for field') raise ParseError( e, o, dict, cls, desired_type=dict ) from None # Else, just re-raise the error. raise # Now pass the arguments to the constructor method, and return the new # dataclass instance. If there are any missing fields, we raise them # here. try: return cls(**cls_kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise MissingFields( e, o, cls, cls_kwargs, dataclass_fields(cls) ) from None def lookup_field_for_json_key(o: JSONObject, json_field: str): """ Determines the dataclass field which a JSON key should map to. Note this only runs the initial time, i.e. the first time we encounter the key in a JSON object. :raises LookupError: If there no resolved field name for the JSON key. :raises UnknownJSONKey: If there is no resolved field name for the JSON key, and`raise_on_unknown_json_key` is enabled in the Meta config for the class. """ # Short path: an identical-cased field name exists for the JSON key if json_field in field_to_parser: json_to_dataclass_field[json_field] = json_field return json_field # Transform JSON field name (typically camel-cased) to the # snake-cased variant which is convention in Python. transformed_field = cls_loader.transform_json_field(json_field) try: # Do a case-insensitive lookup of the dataclass field, and # cache the mapping, so we have it for next time field_name = field_to_parser.get_key(transformed_field) json_to_dataclass_field[json_field] = field_name except KeyError: # Else, we see an unknown field in the dictionary object json_to_dataclass_field[json_field] = ExplicitNull LOG.warning( 'JSON field %r missing from dataclass schema, ' 'class=%r, parsed field=%r', json_field, get_class_name(cls), transformed_field) # Raise an error here (if needed) if meta.raise_on_unknown_json_key: cls_fields = dataclass_fields(cls) e = UnknownJSONKey(json_field, o, cls, cls_fields) raise e from None raise LookupError return field_name # Save the load function for the main dataclass, so we don't need to run # this logic each time. if is_main_class: _CLASS_TO_LOAD_FUNC[cls] = cls_fromdict return cls_fromdict