Source code for dataclass_wizard.serial_json

import json
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from dataclasses import _create_fn, _set_new_attribute
from typing import Type, List, Union, AnyStr

from .abstractions import AbstractJSONWizard, W
from .bases_meta import BaseJSONWizardMeta
from .class_helper import call_meta_initializer_if_needed
from .decorators import _alias
from .dumpers import asdict
from .loaders import fromdict, fromlist
from .type_def import Decoder, Encoder, JSONObject, ListOfJSONObject

[docs] class JSONSerializable(AbstractJSONWizard): """ Mixin class to allow a `dataclass` sub-class to be easily converted to and from JSON. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] class Meta(BaseJSONWizardMeta): """ Inner meta class that can be extended by sub-classes for additional customization with the JSON load / dump process. """ __slots__ = () # Class attribute to enable detection of the class type. __is_inner_meta__ = True def __init_subclass__(cls): # Set the `__init_subclass__` method here, so we can ensure it # doesn't run for the `JSONSerializable.Meta` class. return cls._init_subclass()
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls: Type[W], string: AnyStr, *, decoder: Decoder = json.loads, **decoder_kwargs) -> Union[W, List[W]]: """ Converts a JSON `string` to an instance of the dataclass, or a list of the dataclass instances. """ o = decoder(string, **decoder_kwargs) return fromdict(cls, o) if isinstance(o, dict) else fromlist(cls, o)
@classmethod @_alias(fromlist) def from_list(cls: Type[W], o: ListOfJSONObject) -> List[W]: """ Converts a Python `list` object to a list of the dataclass instances. """ # alias: fromlist(cls, o) ... @classmethod @_alias(fromdict) def from_dict(cls: Type[W], o: JSONObject) -> W: """ Converts a Python `dict` object to an instance of the dataclass. """ # alias: fromdict(cls, o) ... @_alias(asdict) def to_dict(self: W) -> JSONObject: """ Converts the dataclass instance to a Python dictionary object that is JSON serializable. """ # alias: asdict(self) ...
[docs] def to_json(self: W, *, encoder: Encoder = json.dumps, **encoder_kwargs) -> AnyStr: """ Converts the dataclass instance to a JSON `string` representation. """ return encoder(asdict(self), **encoder_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def list_to_json(cls: Type[W], instances: List[W], encoder: Encoder = json.dumps, **encoder_kwargs) -> AnyStr: """ Converts a ``list`` of dataclass instances to a JSON `string` representation. """ list_of_dict = [asdict(o, cls=cls) for o in instances] return encoder(list_of_dict, **encoder_kwargs)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init_subclass__(cls, str=True): """ Checks for optional settings and flags that may be passed in by the sub-class, and calls the Meta initializer when :class:`Meta` is sub-classed. :param str: True to add a default `__str__` method to the subclass. """ super().__init_subclass__() # Calls the Meta initializer when inner :class:`Meta` is sub-classed. call_meta_initializer_if_needed(cls) # Add a `__str__` method to the subclass, if needed if str: _set_new_attribute(cls, '__str__', _str_fn())
def _str_fn(): """ Converts the dataclass instance to a *prettified* JSON string representation, when the `str()` method is invoked. """ return _create_fn('__str__', ('self', ), ['return self.to_json(indent=2)'])