Source code for dataclass_wizard.utils.string_conv

__all__ = ['normalize',

import re
from typing import Iterable, Dict, List

[docs] def normalize(string: str) -> str: """ Normalize a string - typically a dataclass field name - for comparison purposes. """ return string.replace('-', '').replace('_', '').upper()
[docs] def to_camel_case(string: str) -> str: """ Convert a string to Camel Case. Examples:: >>> to_camel_case("device_type") 'deviceType' """ string = replace_multi_with_single( string.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')) return string[0].lower() + re.sub( r"(?:_)(.)", lambda m:, string[1:])
[docs] def to_pascal_case(string): """ Converts a string to Pascal Case (also known as "Upper Camel Case") Examples:: >>> to_pascal_case("device_type") 'DeviceType' """ string = replace_multi_with_single( string.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')) return string[0].upper() + re.sub( r"(?:_)(.)", lambda m:, string[1:])
[docs] def to_lisp_case(string: str) -> str: """ Make a hyphenated, lowercase form from the expression in the string. Example:: >>> to_lisp_case("DeviceType") 'device-type' """ string = string.replace('_', '-').replace(' ', '-') # Short path: the field is already lower-cased, so we don't need to handle # for camel or title case. if string.islower(): return replace_multi_with_single(string, '-') result = re.sub( r'((?!^)(?<!-)[A-Z][a-z]+|(?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z])', r'-\1', string) return replace_multi_with_single(result.lower(), '-')
[docs] def to_snake_case(string: str) -> str: """ Make an underscored, lowercase form from the expression in the string. Example:: >>> to_snake_case("DeviceType") 'device_type' """ string = string.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_') # Short path: the field is already lower-cased, so we don't need to handle # for camel or title case. if string.islower(): return replace_multi_with_single(string) result = re.sub( r'((?!^)(?<!_)[A-Z][a-z]+|(?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z])', r'_\1', string) return replace_multi_with_single(result.lower())
def replace_multi_with_single(string: str, char='_') -> str: """ Replace multiple consecutive occurrences of `char` with a single one. """ rep = char + char while rep in string: string = string.replace(rep, char) return string # Note: this is the initial helper function I came up with. This doesn't use # regex for the string transformation, so it's actually faster than the # implementation above. However, I do prefer the implementation with regex, # because its a lot cleaner and more simple than this implementation. # def to_snake_case_old(string: str): # """ # Make an underscored, lowercase form from the expression in the string. # """ # if len(string) < 2: # return string or '' # # string = string.replace('-', '_') # # if string.islower(): # return replace_multi_with_single(string) # # start_idx = 0 # # parts = [] # for i, c in enumerate(string): # c: str # if c.isupper(): # try: # next_lower = string[i + 1].islower() # except IndexError: # if string[i - 1].islower(): # parts.append(string[start_idx:i]) # parts.append(c) # else: # parts.append(string[start_idx:]) # break # else: # if i == 0: # continue # # if string[i - 1].islower(): # parts.append(string[start_idx:i]) # start_idx = i # # elif next_lower: # parts.append(string[start_idx:i]) # start_idx = i # else: # parts.append(string[start_idx:i + 1]) # # result = '_'.join(parts).lower() # # return replace_multi_with_single(result) # Constants OPEN_BRACKET = '[' CLOSE_BRACKET = ']' COMMA = ',' OR = '|' # Replace any OR (|) characters in a forward-declared annotation (i.e. string) # with a `typing.Union` declaration. See below article for more info. # #
[docs] def repl_or_with_union(s: str): """ Replace all occurrences of PEP 604- style annotations (i.e. like `X | Y`) with the Union type from the `typing` module, i.e. like `Union[X, Y]`. This is a recursive function that splits a complex annotation in order to traverse and parse it, i.e. one that is declared as follows: dict[str | Optional[int], list[list[str] | tuple[int | bool] | None]] """ return _repl_or_with_union_inner(s.replace(' ', ''))
def _repl_or_with_union_inner(s: str): # If there is no '|' character in the annotation part, we just return it. if OR not in s: return s # Checking for brackets like `List[int | str]`. if OPEN_BRACKET in s: # Get any indices of COMMA or OR outside a braced expression. indices = _outer_comma_and_pipe_indices(s) outer_commas = indices[COMMA] outer_pipes = indices[OR] # We need to check if there are any commas *outside* a bracketed # expression. For example, the following cases are what we're looking # for here: # value[test], dict[str | int, tuple[bool, str]] # dict[str | int, str], value[test] # But we want to ignore cases like these, where all commas are nested # within a bracketed expression: # dict[str | int, Union[int, str]] if outer_commas: return COMMA.join( [_repl_or_with_union_inner(i) for i in _sub_strings(s, outer_commas)]) # We need to check if there are any pipes *outside* a bracketed # expression. For example: # value | dict[str | int, list[int | str]] # dict[str, tuple[int | str]] | value # But we want to ignore cases like these, where all pipes are # nested within the a bracketed expression: # dict[str | int, list[int | str]] if outer_pipes: or_parts = [_repl_or_with_union_inner(i) for i in _sub_strings(s, outer_pipes)] return f'Union{OPEN_BRACKET}{COMMA.join(or_parts)}{CLOSE_BRACKET}' # At this point, we know that the annotation does not have an outer # COMMA or PIPE expression. We also know that the following syntax # is invalid: `SomeType[str][bool]`. Therefore, knowing this, we can # assume there is only one outer start and end brace. For example, # like `SomeType[str | int, list[dict[str, int | bool]]]`. first_start_bracket = s.index(OPEN_BRACKET) last_end_bracket = s.rindex(CLOSE_BRACKET) # Replace the value enclosed in the outermost brackets bracketed_val = _repl_or_with_union_inner( s[first_start_bracket + 1:last_end_bracket]) start_val = s[:first_start_bracket] end_val = s[last_end_bracket + 1:] return f'{start_val}{OPEN_BRACKET}{bracketed_val}{CLOSE_BRACKET}{end_val}' elif COMMA in s: # We are dealing with a string like `int | str, float | None` return COMMA.join([_repl_or_with_union_inner(i) for i in s.split(COMMA)]) # We are dealing with a string like `int | str` return f'Union{OPEN_BRACKET}{s.replace(OR, COMMA)}{CLOSE_BRACKET}' def _sub_strings(s: str, split_indices: Iterable[int]): """Split a string on the specified indices, and return the split parts.""" prev = -1 for idx in split_indices: yield s[prev+1:idx] prev = idx yield s[prev+1:] def _outer_comma_and_pipe_indices(s: str) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Return any indices of ',' and '|' that are outside of braces.""" indices = {OR: [], COMMA: []} brace_dict = {OPEN_BRACKET: 1, CLOSE_BRACKET: -1} brace_count = 0 for i, char in enumerate(s): if char in brace_dict: brace_count += brace_dict[char] elif not brace_count and char in indices: indices[char].append(i) return indices