Source code for dataclass_wizard.wizard_mixins

Helper Wizard Mixin classes.
__all__ = ['JSONListWizard',

import json
from typing import Type, Union, AnyStr, List, Optional, TextIO, BinaryIO

from .abstractions import W
from .bases_meta import DumpMeta
from .class_helper import _META
from .dumpers import asdict
from .enums import LetterCase
from .lazy_imports import yaml
from .loaders import fromdict, fromlist
from .models import Container
from .serial_json import JSONSerializable
from .type_def import (T, ListOfJSONObject,
                       Encoder, Decoder, FileDecoder, FileEncoder)

[docs] class JSONListWizard(JSONSerializable, str=False): """ A Mixin class that extends :class:`JSONSerializable` (JSONWizard) to return :class:`Container` - instead of `list` - objects. Note that `Container` objects are simply convenience wrappers around a collection of dataclass instances. For all intents and purposes, they behave exactly the same as `list` objects, with some added helper methods: * ``prettify`` - Convert the list of instances to a *prettified* JSON string. * ``to_json`` - Convert the list of instances to a JSON string. * ``to_json_file`` - Serialize the list of instances and write it to a JSON file. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls: Type[W], string: AnyStr, *, decoder: Decoder = json.loads, **decoder_kwargs) -> Union[W, Container[W]]: """ Converts a JSON `string` to an instance of the dataclass, or a Container (list) of the dataclass instances. """ o = decoder(string, **decoder_kwargs) if isinstance(o, dict): return fromdict(cls, o) return Container[cls](fromlist(cls, o))
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls: Type[W], o: ListOfJSONObject) -> Container[W]: """ Converts a Python `list` object to a Container (list) of the dataclass instances. """ return Container[cls](fromlist(cls, o))
[docs] class JSONFileWizard: """ A Mixin class that makes it easier to interact with JSON files. This can be paired with the :class:`JSONSerializable` (JSONWizard) Mixin class for more complete extensibility. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls: Type[T], file: str, *, decoder: FileDecoder = json.load, **decoder_kwargs) -> Union[T, List[T]]: """ Reads in the JSON file contents and converts to an instance of the dataclass, or a list of the dataclass instances. """ with open(file) as in_file: o = decoder(in_file, **decoder_kwargs) return fromdict(cls, o) if isinstance(o, dict) else fromlist(cls, o)
[docs] def to_json_file(self: T, file: str, mode: str = 'w', encoder: FileEncoder = json.dump, **encoder_kwargs) -> None: """ Serializes the instance and writes it to a JSON file. """ with open(file, mode) as out_file: encoder(asdict(self), out_file, **encoder_kwargs)
[docs] class YAMLWizard: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ A Mixin class that makes it easier to interact with YAML data. .. NOTE:: The default key transform used in the YAML dump process is `lisp-case`, however this can easily be customized without the need to sub-class from :class:`JSONWizard`. For example: >>> @dataclass >>> class MyClass(YAMLWizard, key_transform='CAMEL'): >>> ... """ def __init_subclass__(cls, key_transform=LetterCase.LISP): """Allow easy setup of common config, such as key casing transform.""" # Only add the key transform if Meta config has not been specified # for the dataclass. if key_transform and cls not in _META: DumpMeta(key_transform=key_transform).bind_to(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls: Type[T], string_or_stream: Union[AnyStr, TextIO, BinaryIO], *, decoder: Optional[Decoder] = None, **decoder_kwargs) -> Union[T, List[T]]: """ Converts a YAML `string` to an instance of the dataclass, or a list of the dataclass instances. """ if decoder is None: decoder = yaml.safe_load o = decoder(string_or_stream, **decoder_kwargs) return fromdict(cls, o) if isinstance(o, dict) else fromlist(cls, o)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml_file(cls: Type[T], file: str, *, decoder: Optional[FileDecoder] = None, **decoder_kwargs) -> Union[T, List[T]]: """ Reads in the YAML file contents and converts to an instance of the dataclass, or a list of the dataclass instances. """ with open(file) as in_file: return cls.from_yaml(in_file, decoder=decoder, **decoder_kwargs)
[docs] def to_yaml(self: T, *, encoder: Optional[Encoder] = None, **encoder_kwargs) -> AnyStr: """ Converts the dataclass instance to a YAML `string` representation. """ if encoder is None: encoder = yaml.dump return encoder(asdict(self), **encoder_kwargs)
[docs] def to_yaml_file(self: T, file: str, mode: str = 'w', encoder: Optional[FileEncoder] = None, **encoder_kwargs) -> None: """ Serializes the instance and writes it to a YAML file. """ with open(file, mode) as out_file: self.to_yaml(stream=out_file, encoder=encoder, **encoder_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def list_to_yaml(cls: Type[T], instances: List[T], encoder: Optional[Encoder] = None, **encoder_kwargs) -> AnyStr: """ Converts a ``list`` of dataclass instances to a YAML `string` representation. """ if encoder is None: encoder = yaml.dump list_of_dict = [asdict(o, cls=cls) for o in instances] return encoder(list_of_dict, **encoder_kwargs)