Skip the Class Inheritance -------------------------- It is important to note that the main purpose of sub-classing from ``JSONWizard`` Mixin class is to provide helper methods like :meth:`from_dict` and :meth:`to_dict`, which makes it much more convenient and easier to load or dump your data class from and to JSON. That is, it's meant to *complement* the usage of the ``dataclass`` decorator, rather than to serve as a drop-in replacement for data classes, or to provide type validation for example; there are already excellent libraries like `pydantic`_ that provide these features if so desired. However, there may be use cases where we prefer to do away with the class inheritance model introduced by the Mixin class. In the interests of convenience and also so that data classes can be used *as is*, the Dataclass Wizard library provides the helper functions :func:`fromlist` and :func:`fromdict` for de-serialization, and :func:`asdict` for serialization. These functions also work recursively, so there is full support for nested dataclasses -- just as with the class inheritance approach. Here is an example to demonstrate the usage of these helper functions: .. code:: python3 from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from typing import List, Optional, Union from dataclass_wizard import fromdict, asdict, DumpMeta @dataclass class Container: id: int created_at: datetime my_elements: List['MyElement'] @dataclass class MyElement: order_index: Optional[int] status_code: Union[int, str] source_dict = {'id': '123', 'createdAt': '2021-01-01 05:00:00Z', 'myElements': [ {'orderIndex': 111, 'statusCode': '200'}, {'order_index': '222', 'status_code': 404} ]} # De-serialize the JSON dictionary object into a `Container` instance. c = fromdict(Container, source_dict) print(repr(c)) # prints: # Container(id=123, created_at=datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1, 5, 0), my_elements=[MyElement(order_index=111, status_code='200'), MyElement(order_index=222, status_code=404)]) # (Optional) Set up dump config for the inner class, as unfortunately there's # no option currently to have the meta config apply in a recursive fashion. _ = DumpMeta(MyElement, key_transform='SNAKE') # Serialize the `Container` instance to a Python dict object with a custom # dump config, for example one which converts field names to snake case. json_dict = asdict(c, DumpMeta(Container, key_transform='SNAKE', marshal_date_time_as='TIMESTAMP')) expected_dict = {'id': 123, 'created_at': 1609477200, 'my_elements': [ {'order_index': 111, 'status_code': '200'}, {'order_index': 222, 'status_code': 404} ]} # Assert that we get the expected dictionary object. assert json_dict == expected_dict .. _`pydantic`: